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Phyllis Zagano presents an overview of her book, “Just Church: Catholic Social Teaching, Synodality, and Women.”

  • May 2, 2023
  • Start Time: 7:00 pm ET
Dr. Phyllis Zagano talks about synodality and women based on her latest book, “Just Church: Catholic Social Teaching, Synodality, and Women,” published by Paulist Press.

Join Dr. Phyllis Zagano as she talks about her latest book where she writes, "Even though synodality is the buzzword of the day, the fact remains that members of the hierarchy are, or at least consider themselves, insulated from the opinions about Church from those members on the periphery—and the people most cut out of the conversation at the highest level are women. Perhaps not the women newly named to positions in the Roman Curia, nor the women chancellors, canon lawyers, or other professionals in diocesan chanceries, nor even the women theologians, journalists, and activists. However, these all are liable to be excluded."

She further comments, "It is no secret that the tensions both inside and outside Vatican walls and chanceries around the world find two sides to the Catholic story—there is a split between those who follow the lead of Pope Francis and those who remain attached to Tridentine liturgies; between those who accept and those who do not accept the findings, the teachings, of the Second Vatican Council. Can these two sides be reconciled? Catholic Social Teaching is specific in its tenets, as is the concept of synodality as recovered by Vatican II. Where does the confluence of these two rivers of Church teaching and thought leave women? Does it include or exclude women, either historically or in the present? Women represent the largest cadre of the periphery that Francis calls the center. What entrée does the periphery have to decision-making? How can Catholic Social Teaching and the concept of synodality combine to bring justice to women in the Church?"

Join us as we learn more about the impact of synodality on the lives of women in the Catholic Church.

Zagano, Phyllis. Just Church: Catholic Social Teaching, Synodality, and Women. Paulist Press. Kindle Edition.