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Consent in the Context of the Annunciation with Megan McCabe, Ph.D.

  • March 28, 2024
  • Start Time: 7:00 pm ET
  • End Time: 8:15 pm ET
Join us as Megan McCabe, Ph.D. discusses building a culture of consent in the context of the Feast of the Annunciation

Dr. McCabe will speak on her work on sexual justice and social sin in the United States with a special emphasis on consent in the context of the Assumption. 

Megan K. McCabe, Ph.D. is assistant professor of religious studies at Gonzaga Univeristy. She works in the areas of Catholic moral theology, theological ethics, and feminist theologies. Her research and teaching respond to questions of human responsibility for suffering and the correlative duties to work for social transformation. She engages questions at the intersection of moral theology, social ethics, liberation and political theologies, feminist theologies and ethics, and issues of gender and sexuality. Her current research develops an understanding of “cultures of sin,” specifically in the context of an examination of the problem of the cultural foundation of sexual violence.