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Organizing to Preserve Vibrant Parishes

Christine Schenk csj is joined by panelists Fr. Gerry Bechard of Detroit’s Elephants in the Living RoomStan Doherty of CTA New England and VOTF in the Boston archdiocese; and Dan Theil, president of Toledo’s United Parishes. Listen to learn about strategies to preserve viable parishes in your diocese and resist unjust closures. Hear the stories of the panelists who are working in the trenches to keep parishes open. Learn more about FutureChurch’s “Save Our Parish Community” project that is stirring a national discussion of best practices for keeping viable parishes open rather than closing them because of real estate values or simply because no priest is available.

This presentation was given on November 3, 2007 at the national Call To Action conference.

Questing for the Living God with Elizabeth Johnson

“Because church reform is exhausting work . . . (and) needs to be centered in strong and deep relationship with God.” Elizabeth Johnson focuses on three theological frontiers we now face in our relationship with God: the feminist, the interreligious, and the ecological.

Dr. Johnson, Distinguished Professor of Theology at Fordham University and past president of the Catholic Theological Society of America, titled her talk, “Questing for the Living God,” similar to the full title of her latest book, hot off the press, Quest for the Living God: Mapping Frontiers in the Theology of God (New York: Continuum, 2007)

This presentation was given at the 17th annual FutureChurch benefit on October 18, 2007, in Cleveland, Ohio.

Canon Law and the Rights of the Christian Faithful with Sr. Kate Kuenstler

Canon Law is so much more than a list of “do nots,” it is a positive affirmation of our rights. Especially timely for those seeking to preserve vibrant parishes. Sister Kate Kuenstler PHJC, JCD speaks from a background as a former diocesan tribunal lawyer, teacher, parish catechetical director, and diocesan director of religious education. She is now an advocate for the laity, lecturing in
various states on the topic of the laity and their role in Catholic Church.

This lecture was recorded on May 17, 2007 at a FutureChurch program in Cleveland, Ohio.


A Voice of Their Own: The Authority of the Local Parish

Fr. William A. Clark, S.J., S.T.D.discusses a theology of parish that empowers the laity to renew the whole Church through the renewal of the local community. His insights are especially valuable as dioceses nationwide are considering parish reconfigurations because of the priest shortage. William A. Clark, S.J., S.T.D., is the author of A Voice of Their Own: The Authority of the Local Parish (Liturgical Press). He is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA where he teaches courses in Catholicism, Christian prayer, and the Church. In addition to his academic work on the role of local church communities, Father Bill has extensive experience in parish pastoral work, retreat direction, and music ministry.

This lecture was given on February 27, 2007. John Carroll co-sponsors included the Institute of Catholic Studies, the Cardinal Suenens Center in Theology and Church Life, Campus Ministry, the Department of Religious Studies, and the Department of Communication and Theater Arts.


Respecting Parish Integrity in a Time of Fewer Priests

Should vibrant, solvent parishes with effective apostolic outreach be closed or merged solely because no priest is available to live on the premises? Do parish communities have theological integrity, inherent authority and rights and responsibilities to be exercised in communion with the universal church? What can pastors, parish council leaders, lay ministers, and ordinary parishioners do to claim and vindicate these rights?

Peter Borre, spokesperson for Boston’s Council of Parishes shares the lived experience of 15 vibrant but threatened parishes in the Archdiocese of Boston.

This presentation was given on November 4, 2006 at the national Call To Action conference.


Liturgy of Lament for the Broken Body of Christ

In 2022, a survivor of clergy sexual abuse, known as Stephen, approached Sr. Christine Schenk, CSJ, then Executive Director of Future Church. He had prepared a service of healing for victims of clergy sexual abuse and was seeking her assistance to find a church where such a service could be held. The service included scripture, songs and hymns written specifically for the service, and a suggestion for a laying on of hands.

This download includes the outline/order of worship, a sample preaching guide, sample worship aid, and a diagram of the worship space with indications of where the various ministers were located for various parts of the service in order to help you envision your own.


A 2016 adaptation of this prayer can be found here.

Dorothy Day

Thanks to this woman known as ‘the conscience of American Catholicism’ many Catholics now know the power of nonviolent resistance and direct action in opposing injustice. What is less well known is that her conversion happened as a result of the birth of her child: “No human creature could receive or contain so vast a flood of love and joy as I often felt after the birth of my child. With this came the need to worship, to adore. I came to know God.”

Essay by Stephen Krupa, SJ;  Prayer by Christine Schenk, CSJ



Clare of Assisi

Clare Offreduccuo (1193 -1253) was born into a wealthy aristocratic family in Assisi. An attractive noblewoman she was expected to improve the fortune of her family by marrying into one of even greater influence. Clare instead “gave the world a bill of divorce.” At age 18 she set forth on a radical path that most women of her position dared not choose.

Essay and Prayer by Sr. Francis Therese Woznicki SSJ-TOSF
