Initiative: Future of Priestly Ministry
All posts for:
Optional Celibacy
Fr. Steve Newton, CSC offers a witness on the Future of the Priesthood
A Holy Cross priest, Steve Newton is the current executive director of the Association …
Deterred from Priesthood by Mandatory Celibacy – the need for more married priests
A gifted young man’s call to priesthood is obstructed by mandatory celibacy.
The Gift of Marriage to the Priesthood with Anthony and Theresa Padavano
Presentation by Theresa and Anthony Padovano on what marriage can offer to the priestho…
The Future of Priestly Celibacy with Fr. Donald Cozzens
Fr. Donald Cozzens engages conference participants in a discussion about priestly celib…
A Brief History Celibacy in the Roman Church
First Century
Peter, the first pope, and the apostles that Jesus chose were, for the mo…
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