SynodWatch RoundUP for Oct. 6: Forming men; Women marching; and What to do with Mueller
The above photo is my favorite of all! I love the determination on the faces of these women! The future is bright friends!
During the press briefing, Sheila Pires explained that each language group contains participants from difference geographic regions which makes the sharing richer. She also explained that women’s roles are a priority at the synod with a woman religious opening with prayer at the synod today.
Forming Men
Some of the topics that are coming up are formation of priests and seminarians, the church being a welcoming home, the plight of migrants, ecumenicism, and inter-religious dialogue. Sheila also explained that the topic of women’s participation was also discussed and that a religious woman opened the synod today. There are also discussions about young people and the concerns they share.
Ruffini explained that there were reports from the Small Groups and generally, there was agreement that the atmosphere of fraternity, but there were also fears.
What to Do with Mueller
During the Q & A, Christopher Lamb of The Tablet asked if Cardinal Gerhard Mueller’s interview with EWTN was a break in the rules regarding confidentiality that Pope Francis laid out on the first day. Ruffini answered saying that Mueller’s interview falls within the realm of discernment. Joshua McElwee of the National Catholic Reporter asked if there would be a punishment for participants, like Cardinal Mueller, who speak about the synod in public. Ruffini replied that there was no policeman, and that compliance was more along the lines of trust.
Another reporter asked if the participation by women was felt by others and by Ruffini himself. He said that he did experience the difference and that the notion of being a welcoming church was especially expressed by the women present.
A synod skeptic, Diane Montagna of the Catholic Herald asked if the synod is being led by the Holy Spirit or another spirit. Ruffini’s answer was short, and as expected, he defended the process at the synod.
Can you hear the women marching?
On Friday, a group of women and their allies marched from the church of St. Giovanni dei Fiorentini to the Vatican holding signs calling for women’s ordination. The church of St. Giovanni dei Fiorentini was a worthy starting point for these prophetic women because it contains a relic of the foot of St. Mary Magdalene, the “Apostle to the Apostles.” Like Mary Magdalene, who courageously proclaimed the Word of God in the face of doubters, these women faithfully proclaim God’s word even in the face of those who would scoff.