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God Space: A Space of Welcoming and Belonging for All Seekers

If you’re in the greater Cincinnati-area and seeking a faith-sharing community, you don’t have to look very far. While through her work as a campus minister Sr. Leslie knew faith-sharing opportunities were available for students at the Newman Center at the University of Cincinnati, she realized that after students graduated many of them experienced a longing for the spiritual community they once knew. Seeing this need, Sr. Leslie worked with her order, the Sisters of Divine Providence, to form a community of belonging called God Space. “It really is a community of people coming together to talk about God,” shares Sr. Leslie. “That’s pretty much what we do. It’s kind of like a seeker space, and a questioner space. We are seeking together to grow in our spirituality and to connect with each other as we grow.” And now, God Space has expanded beyond the Cincinnati area to include virtual small groups, too! 

Like many Spirit-driven initiatives, when Sr. Leslie began formulating the idea of God Space she wasn’t quite sure what it could become– she just knew that there was a need for greater community, both in her own heart and in the folks she encountered in her neighborhood. When thinking about those first days back in 2017, she reflects, “we had a dinner and we weren’t sure if anybody would come. But we actually had a house full of people– we had to bring out more chairs, which was awesome! And I thought I might cry a little bit because I was so happy.” And since then, God Space has grown much beyond dinner gatherings. From faith-sharing groups to social activities, from newsletters to podcasts, God Space is spreading its wings in Cincinnati and beyond. Sr. Leslie is consistently awed by the way the Spirit has been working through her ministry. When asked about the blessing of GodSpace in her life, she shares: 

“The spirituality of my community is about trusting God– surrendering to God’s Providence. I’m not super good at it…but starting this ministry and inviting people and trying to grow it, I’m learning. I guess what I’m learning is that God always shows up. And God takes things in a direction I might not know, or that we might not predict. But God keeps working and I see that I really can trust. It’s helping me to really trust in deeper ways what the Spirit is doing in this very uncertain time in our church.” 

God Space is not a church, but Sr. Leslie shares that many of the members belong to a parish. Others would identify as more spiritual than religious. There is no requirement that one must be “churched” to be part of the God Space community, only that you be open to search for God and respect one another along their respective journeys. Sr. Leslie shares that in the Cincinnati area, merging parishes has resulted in an exodus of many folks from traditional parish life. When thinking about this exodus, Sr. Leslie shares thoughtfully, “it’s hard, and we’re losing people. And so if a side effect is that other little communities are springing up as a response to people’s needs and desires and calls, I think that’s a good side effect.” And though Sr. Leslie herself belongs to a parish and is member of the Sisters of Divine Providence, she adds, “God Space is a loosely affiliated ministry, [which means] we can kind of color outside the lines in a way that is a little bit freeing.” This freedom, says Sr. Leslie, can really help attract folks who may otherwise feel like they don’t have a safe space to dive deeper into their spirituality. She shares, “I feel like there are people who are searching who are struggling with loneliness and disconnection, who might have questions about God or want to seek God but don’t know where to go with that, and I want to be able to help them to find us. I would like us to be a landing space for people who maybe don’t feel welcome in other ‘churchy’ spaces.”  As Sr. Leslie dreams about the future of God Space, she hopes it continues to be a soft, non-judgmental landing place for seekers to encounter one another on their quest for God– and is open to the creative ways that the Spirit will lead it there. 

If you are interested in learning more about God Space, you can check out their website or tune into The Providence Podcast. 

Focus Questions

  1. Sr. Leslie shared that God Space is a “seeker space” and a “questioner space.” How does your community leave space for unanswered questions? 
  2. While some God Space participants belong to parishes, others do not. Where do you find places of encounter and spiritual growth outside of the walls of a church building? 

Do you know of or belong to a community that you would like to see highlighted? Reach out to Martha at