Initiative: Emerging Models of Parish & Community Life
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Emerging Models of Parish & Community Life
The Fireplace Community Brings the Flames of Pentecost to Life
The Fireplace has a set of values that have been defined by its members: rest, hospital…
Holy Thursday Foot Washing Prayers of Petition
FutureChurch’s Russ Petrus developed the following prayers of petition for Holy Thursda…
Fr. Steve Newton, CSC offers a witness on the Future of the Priesthood
A Holy Cross priest, Steve Newton is the current executive director of the Association …
Liturgy of the Word and Sharing
Join FutureChurch and other members of our community as we gather online on Sunday even…
A Theology of the Eucharist for Today’s Church with Thomas O’Loughlin
Professor Thomas O’Loughlin shares his expertise regarding the historical theology of t…
No Religious or Lay: Religious Communities for the Future with Benincasa Community
The question for us is: “What is God’s unshakeable, unmistakeable call?”.
For Karen G…
Young Catholic Sisters Speak Out
Sisters Andrea Koverman, Leslie Keener, and Julia Walsh share their insights and hopes …
Small Christian Communities as Response to Eucharistic Famine with Fr. Joe Healey
Fr. Joseph Healey shares his expertise in helping develop Small Christian Communities i…
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