Initiative: Justice In The Church
All posts for:
Justice In the Church
Journeying & Singing Together
Reflection by Jane Varner Malhotra
Early in May I embarked on a pilgrimage with FutureC…
African American Readings of Paul with Lisa Marie Bowens
FutureChurch welcomes Princeton Theological Seminary Associate Professor of New Testame…
Synod Interim Stage Synthesis
During Lent of 2024, FutureChurch organized three listening sessions for the interim st…
Conversations in the Spirit: FutureChurch Interim Stage Listening Sessions for the Synod on Synodality
Please Note: These sessions have now concluded and our Interim Stage Synthesis was subm…
How to Have a Conversation in the Spirit
The 2021-2024 Synod on Communion, Participation, and Mission has introduced Catholics t…
Co-Creating Beauty: Queer Bodies and Queer Love with Craig Ford, Jr.
Dr. Ford’s presentation, “Co-Creating Beauty: Queer Bodies and Queer Loves Beyond the A…
What’s new with the Synod? Up to date readings and more.
Many Catholics are interested in what will be happening with the Synod on Synodality as…
November 9 Presentation on Synod Synthesis
The Synodal process is a new way of being church and the f…
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