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SynodWatch: Deb Rose Reports on the Synod

FutureChurch Co-Director, Deborah Rose is keeping a close watch on the October 2023 Assembly of the Synod on Synodality. Follow along as she reports on the Synod from her unique perspective on matters and issues of most importance to FutureChurch members and friends. 

November 13, 2023
Many Catholics are interested in what will be happening with the Synod on Synodality as we go forward this year and into the next meeting in Rome in October 2024.  We will keep you informed with cu……
November 10, 2023 The Synodal process is a new way of being church and the final synthesis document offered both newfound hope and some painful disappointments.  Still, there is no do……
November 2, 2023…
November 2, 2023
Photo by Sheila Pires With the stated goal of restructuring the way discernment and decision making is taken up in the Church, the Synod on Synodality advanced a new model.  The Final Synthesis al……
October 28, 2023
Today the synod members had the opportunity to read the final document, heard it read in the assembly, and vote on it paragraph by paragraph. The document is forty pages long  and while a consen……
October 27, 2023
I remember going on a mission trip in my forties when the children were still pretty small.  I travelled with a group to Honduras visiting everyone from bishops to the people who lived in cardboard……
October 26, 2023
Some Would Rather Talk Than Listen Christopher White of National Catholic Reporter gave us some insights into the inner workings of the synod today.  All is not harmonious.  This listening project……
October 25, 2023
This has been a big day filled with lots of news.  Much of it is exciting and joyful, and some of it will stick in your throat.  Yet, it is such a gift to be a part of history in the making in ……
October 24, 2023
There has been no posting of a press briefing today.  Tomorrow we expect to receive the “Letter to the People of God” that was drafted and approved a few days ago. [caption id=”attachment_9725″ ……
October 23, 2023
Today begins the final week of the synod.   A draft of the “Letter to the People of God” was read and applauded by the participants.  They can make additional comments until 6pm today, and then the……
October 21, 2023
One More Week The participants have finished their discussions of module B3 on participation, mission and authority and have handed their reports in.  Monday begins the final week and the module 5……
October 20, 2023
There are 365 Some of the journalists try to cast doubt on the synod by asking the same questions over and over.  Maybe if we put some of the answers into a song it would stick:). But today aga……
October 19, 2023
We are beginning to see the first fruits of all the long labors of Catholic women throughout the decades including people like Sr. Mary Luke Tobin SL and Rosemary Goldie, who were auditors at the S……
October 19, 2023
The synod continues under the cloud of violence Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, and more. Participants pray daily for justice and peace and hearts break as more and more innocent lives are taken. On……
October 17, 2023
National Catholic Reporter is doing a bang up job at the synod.  They are pumping out reports and podcasts that really help us understand what is happening within the synod.  Coleen Dulle and Ameri……
October 17, 2023
For the past few days, the director of the Holy See Press Office has joined the panel.  Matteo Bruni was appointed to the role in 2019 and offers a straight forward view of all things synodal in co……
October 17, 2023
Today’s press briefing was shortened because the synod participants will be participating in a pilrimage to St. Domitilla and other holy places.  According to Paolo Ruffini, the small groups have f……
October 17, 2023
A whoopsie Whoopsie!  It appears that the confidential small group discussion documents were infiltrated by a conservative journalist who found an open link with no password requirements.  He repo……
October 16, 2023
Today is the beginning of a new module, B2 which is about co-responsibility and mission.  There are 344 participants present, and each small group will take up questions around, “How can we better ……
October 16, 2023
At today’s press briefing Paolo Ruffini and Sheila Pires were joined by Canadian Cardinal Lacroix, Grace Wrackia from Papua New Guinea, and Luca Casarini, an Italian migration activist. Today ge……
October 16, 2023
Photo collage by FutureChurch At the press briefing today, Paolo Ruffini and Sheila Pires were joined by Sr. Liliana Franco Echeverri, a member of the Company of Mary and president of the Latin Am……
October 16, 2023
The second module, B.1, “A Communion that Radiates” was set into motion today.  As such, the session was videotaped. Cardinal Grech announced that some people are not attending because they hav……
October 16, 2023
Sister Hope Today, Pope Francis appointed Sister Simona Brambilla, M.C., an Italian-born Consolata Missionary, as the Secretary of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of……
October 16, 2023
The above photo is my favorite of all!  I love the determination on the faces of these women!  The future is bright friends! During the press briefing, Sheila Pires explained that each language ……
October 16, 2023
During the press briefing, the head of Vatican media, Dr. Paolo Ruffini explained that the participants introduced themselves today, and voted for the person in their group who would report to the ……
October 16, 2023
Wednesday, October 4, 2023 Release of Laudate Deum As the synod opened, Pope Francis released his most pointed climate challenge to the world, but especially to the United States.  The hope is t……
October 16, 2023
It is Sunday, October 15, 2023.  Last week’s open-heart surgery on my beloved family member was successful. God is good. After the surgery, we rode the inevitable ups and downs of post-surgery comp……
October 5, 2023
October 5, 2023 Yesterday, the 2023 Synod on Synodality began in Rome. This historic gathering of 54 women and 365 bishops and other lay, religious, and ordained is the first of two large meetin……
September 29, 2023
For the past several weeks I have spent a lot of time in a hospital room helping a beloved family member recover from a very serious illness.  He is home now and on a steady path to regaining his h……