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Help us Bring Mary Magdalene to the Synod

September 10, 2024
FutureChurch is going to the Synod – and we’re bringing Mary Magdalene with us, but we need your help!

Last October, thanks to the faith-filled advocacy and persistent activism of justice seekers like you, 54 women made history – participating as full voting members of the Synod on Synodality.

This year, FutureChurch is making sure that Mary Magdalene and other women omitted from our Sunday Lectionary have a seat at the table as we work include their stories.

FutureChurch and our Mary Magdalene Advocates have been hard at work personally reaching out to more than 170 Synod delegates, advisors, and officials as well as members of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and bishops around the globe urging them to recognize that women have always been at the heart of our faith story. Their stories must be told when we gather to pray, especially on Sundays.

This October, FutureChurch will bring Mary Magdalene with us to Rome as we continue our advocacy:

  • Delivering our open letter asking that all of John 20:1-18 be proclaimed on Easter Sunday to the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops
  • Hosting a Mary Magdalene celebration in honor of all women hidden by the lectionary
  • Bringing the art of Mary Magdalene of scripture to Synod delegates and the people of Rome through prayer cards, postcards, banners
  • Engage in direct service with vulnerable women and members of the LGBTQ+ community
  • Collaborate with friends and partners in the church reform movement

In addition to Mary Magdalene, we’ll also uplift other women ancestors – Phoebe the deacon, Huldah the prophet, and Junia the apostle, and Puah and Shiphra the midwives.

Now is the time to make a contribution and have it doubled! 

Donations in honor of Kathrene Blish Houlihan and Sister Theresa Kane, RSM will double your donation until Oct. 5, 2024 (up to $10,000 for a total of $20,000) to fund our vital work to expand the lectionary. Please donate in honor of the ancestors you want to send to Rome in spirit! We will lift them up in prayer during our Mary Magdalene celebration and throughout our travels around Rome (unless directed to keep your honoree anonymous).

Thank you for your support!

Donate Today

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Support Our Advocacy

Your donation will help us advocate for an expanded lectionary which includes the stories of our foremothers in faith!

FutureChurch is a national 501(c)(3) organization and your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. 

Explore FutureChurch resources, videos, prayers, and actions to help you learn more about Mary Magdalene – Apostle to the Apostles