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Mary of Magdala

Mary of Magdala is perhaps the most maligned and misunderstood figure in early Christianity. In Christian art and hagiography, Mary has been romanticized, allegorized, and mythologized beyond recognition. Since the fourth century, she has been portrayed as a prostitute and public sinner who, after encountering Jesus, repented and spent the rest of her life in private prayer and penitence. Paintings, some little more than pious pornography, reinforce the mistaken belief that sexuality, especially female sexuality, is shameful, sinful, and worthy of repentance. Yet the actual biblical account of Mary of Magdala paints a far different portrait than that of the bare-breasted reformed harlot of Renaissance art.

In fact, Mary of Magdala was one of Jesus’ most influential apostles—and she was not a prostitute, said Distinguished Professor of Theology Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ, at Fordham’s Lincoln Center campus on April 14. Mary kept vigil at the cross throughout Jesus’ crucifixion, discovered the empty tomb after Jesus’ resurrection, and was then commissioned to “go and tell” the good news.

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Expanding the Lectionary

Mary Magdalene Goes to the Synod

“Since many Catholics do not realize that important stories of our foremothers in faith are excluded from our lectionary, the synod process offers an important opportunity to raise awareness, advance the dialogue, and propose solutions for including these essential faith stories,” said FutureChurch Executive Director Russ Petrus.  “FutureChurch’s long history of working to expand the lectionary will take on a new, robust dimension in this critical synodal moment.”

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