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Mary of Nazareth

Mary, with her varied images and titles, has long been used to uphold a patriarchal value system which has eclipsed women’s full expression and gifts in the Church. 

Using art, prayer, poetry, story-telling, celebration and education these resources from FutureChurch retrieve Mary’s historical memory and artfully reconstruct a portrait of Miriam of Nazareth that restores her prophetic and liberating genius for all women and men. 

Ground-breaking Scholarship

World-renowned feminist scholars from diverse cultural backgrounds have developed the theological and spiritual foundations for re-imaging Mary for today. FutureChurch makes their ground-breaking research and timely insight easily accessible in these essays, articles, and educational resources. 

Building Bridges

By retrieving Mary’s historical memory and her prophetic, liberating witness these resources free all Catholics to see anew the leadership and ministerial potential of all women. At the same time, by examining Mary through a variety cultural lenses, these materials provide opportunities for Catholics to engage in cross-cultural and inter-religious dialogue and worship.