Feast of the Annunciation Resource

The Feast of the Annunciation provides an opportunity to explore Mary’s partnership with God in salvation history – her vision for God’s dream and her “yes” in bringing it forward. It also provides an opportunity to explore her portrayal in the Qur’an and her relationship to Islam and thus, the ways in which Christianity and Islam share a devotion to her. In a world where distrust and xenophobia are rampant, these resources and prayers provide a healing antidote.
This resource download includes:
- Mary of Nazareth and the Angel: Beginning with a Question, Ending in a Partnership by Judith Davis, Ph.D.
- A Story of Her Own: A Christian Appreciation of Mary in the Qur’an by Judith Davis, Ph.D.
- The Oldest Securely Datable Image of Mary Mary Among the Egyptians
- Five Things To Do When an Anti-Muslim Hate Rally Comes to Town by Jordan Denari
- The Prophet Muhammad’s Letters — and Followers — of Peace by Jordan Denari
- Multi-Faith Prayer Service for Peace
- Poetry by Denise Levertov