Mary of Magdala Celebration Planning Guides

In 1997, FutureChurch launched an international campaign to restore St. Mary of Magdala to her rightful place as the apostle to the apostles, asking supporters to sponsor special celebrations on or around July 22 at which a biblical expert would trace Mary’s unparalleled fidelity in accompanying Jesus through crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection. This would be followed by a prayer service at which a woman would preside, preach and encourage attendees to reflect on their own encounters with, and witness to, the risen Christ.
Annual celebrations of St. Mary of Magdala exploded after that, going from 23 that first year, to 150 the following year to between 250 to 400 celebrations worldwide in each year since. Every summer, thousands of women and men help correct an egregious injustice done to a great woman leader in our church.
2024: Women Witnessing to the Risen Christ
About this year’s celebration: Just as Mary Magdalene was the first to witness to the Risen Christ, women today encounter and witness to the Divine in and through their work and ministry. This year’s guide, written by FutureChurch’s Olivia Hastie and Martha Ligas, creates a space for us to give thanks for the ways in which we all encounter the Risen Christ. It also features time for sharing from women witnesses of today who, just like Mary Magdalene, have experienced the Risen Christ and boldly proclaim and share God’s love. These witnesses can be women who work in pastoral ministry, environmental justice, criminal justice reform, chaplaincy, LGBTQ+ ministry, healthcare, education, and any variety of contexts.
We invite you to host your own celebration, adapting this prayer service as necessary. FutureChurch has an extensive library of resources to help – including nearly 30 years’ worth of celebration guides, which provide everything you need – prayers, readings, and music suggestions – to plan your own celebration.