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Women Erased: Catholic Women, Feminism, and a New Paradigm for Being Church with Sr. Sandra Schneiders, IHM

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In the spring of 2012, the CDF, under the leadership of Cardinal Gerhard Müller, issued a statement accusing Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) of promoting “radical feminist themes” and “corporate dissent.”  Most U.S. nuns vigorously rejected this misrepresentation as thousands of Catholics  in the United States and around the globe rose up in their defense.

After the election of Pope Francis and the shift in priorities in Rome, on April 15, 2015, in a report issued jointly by officers of LCWR and the three bishops who had been mandated to investigate the group’s doctrinal orthodoxy, both sides agreed that the mandate had been accomplished and their conversations had “borne much fruit.”

Sr. Sandra Schneiders has written extensively about the impact of feminism as a comprehensive framework for the Catholic Church, Vatican II, and the prophetic nature of religious life.    After the dust settled from the 2009 Apostolic Visitation, and more acutely, the 2012 Vatican investigation, Sr. Schneiders wrote that the upheaval ultimately strengthened the bond between women religious and helped them to define the feminist principles that served as a foundation for their work in the Church.

In her Madaleva Lecture, “With Oil in Their Lamps: Faith, Feminism, and the Future”, Sr. Schneiders extols the promise of a Gospel-informed feminism on the life of the Church and the work of  the Gospel in the world.  Yet, she holds no illusions about the inevitability of feminism’s impact.  “We cannot predict the future, we can only create it.”

In her presentation for our Women Erased series, Sr. Scheiders will explore the questions surrounding feminism’s role and efficacy  in the Catholic Church today.

Where have Catholic feminism(s)  and Catholic feminists made inroads?  What more can needs to be accomplished?

Does feminism, in general, and religiously committed feminism make a positive contribution to the future of the human family and our universe, or is it destined to be suppressed or fade away, leaving the world still structured by patriarchy, torn by violence, divided between the have and have nots, and driving by individualism, greed, and hedonism?*

*Schneiders, Sandra M., With Oil in Their Lamps: Faith, Feminism, and the Future (New York, Paulist Press, 2000), p 83.

Sandra M. Schneiders is professor emerita of New Testament studies and Christian spirituality at Jesuit School of Theology, Santa Clara University, Berkeley, Calif., and author of Prophets in Their Own Country: Women Religious Bearing Witness to the Gospel in a Troubled Church (2012), among other publications. She is a member of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Monroe, Michigan.

Sr. Schneiders was one of the first two nuns to receive a theology doctorate from a pontifical university after Vatican II, and  went on to become the first non-Jesuit female professor to be tenured at JST. She is a pioneering, and often-cited theologian of St. John’s Gospel and in the field of “hermeneutics,” or how to interpret texts. She helped establish the country’s first doctoral program in Christian spirituality, at the Graduate Theological Union, and is a highly regarded and sought-after expert in Biblical studies and the modern-day theology and spirituality of women religious.

Her extraordinary life and work were featured last year in a gallery exhibit at Santa Clara University’s Learning Commons, and her professional papers have been donated to Santa Clara University’s official archives—the first collection of its kind at SCU.

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Lectionary readings that promote subordination of women and slaves should be excluded from our liturgical life.

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It is tragic, even scandalous, that in the 21st century, the Catholic Church, which incorporates the transformative wisdom of the Second Vatican Council along with a challenging and robust catalogue of Catholic Social Teaching, continues to subject Catholics to lectionary texts that explicitly encourage the subordination of women and enslaved peoples. Yet, these exhortations are part of our Sunday and weekday readings — teachings that Catholics will hear and assimilate.

On the one hand, these teachings will confirm their most destructive impulses, their sense of superiority, and their notions of privilege as divinely sanctioned.  For example, survivors of  domestic violence know that abusers see biblical texts that subordinate as one of the rationales supporting their dangerous, controlling, and abusive behavior.  White supremacists and those who consciously or unconsciously employ white privilege to dominate people of color are emboldened by biblical texts that encourage enslaved peoples to obey their masters.  They conflate their worst xenophobic, nativist biases with the will of God.

On the other hand, many Catholics will feel the pain and shame of knowing these Catholic teachings contradict the values of the Gospel by explicitly promoting domination of one group or one gender over another.  They will rightly cringe upon hearing these texts and advocate for change.

What Catholics hear on the Feast of the Holy Family and the placement of other Lectionary texts that subordinate 

Sunday readings

Feast of the Holy Family

Colossians 3: 12-21 exhorts women to be subordinate to their husbands, “as is proper in the Lord.”  This is the second reading proclaimed for the Feast of the Holy Family during the Christmas season every year.  Because this reading falls on a Sunday and a feast day, greater numbers of Catholics hear it and assimilate it as sacred teaching on family life.

There are optional readings.  Colossians 3:12-17 excises the subordinating text and can be substituted for the longer reading.  Also, in Year B, Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 is an option and in Year C, 1 John 3:1-2, 21-24 is an option.  Yet, because the longer reading, Colossians 3:12-21 is listed first, it is too often chosen as the reading for that feast day.

Twenty-first Sunday, Ordinary Time, Year B

Similarly, Ephesians 5:21-32 exhorts “wives to be subordinate to their husbands as to the Lord.” This admonition is heard on the Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary time in Year B. There is an optional shorter reading. Ephesians 5: 25-32 excludes the subordinating text, but because it is optional, the longer text is too often used.

Ritual celebrations


Ritual celebrations, such as weddings offer Ephesians 5:21-32, Ephesians 5:21-33, or 1 Peter 3:1-9 as options for readings.  All three texts admonish women to be subordinate to their husbands.  There are approved shorter readings that excise admonitions to be subordinate — Ephesians 5:2a, 23-33 or 5:2a, 25-32.

Weekday readings

Thirtieth Tuesday in Ordinary Time, Year II

Ephesians 3:21-33 which exhorts wives to be subordinate is heard on the Thirtieth Tuesday in Ordinary Time on even years.

Thirtieth Wednesday, Ordinary Time, Year II

Ephesians 6: 1-9 which exhorts slaves to obey their masters is heard on the Thirtieth Wednesday in Ordinary Time on even years.

Thirty-Second Tuesday in Ordinary Time, Year II

Titus 2:1-8, 11-14 which exhorts older women to train younger women to be “under the control of their husbands” is heard on the Thirty-Second Tuesday in Ordinary Time on even years.

And while these troubling texts are heard on weekdays, and therefore to a more limited group of the faithful, it is clear that their presence in our lectionary is deeply problematic and even sinful given today’s understanding of the Gospel mandate for gender justice and racial justice.

When the Lectionary fails to be an instrument of the Gospel

The Sunday lectionary is the only canon heard, read, preached, or studied by most church-going Catholics.  The Sunday lectionary is also the cornerstone for many Bible studies, catechetical programs, and spiritual guides.

When selections from the lectionary are proclaimed during the liturgy, they are concluded with the phrase ‘’The Word of the Lord” or “The Gospel of the Lord” to which the assembly verbal­izes its assent. The members of a worshipping assembly enter into a liturgical process that evokes remembrance, and by listening to and affirming the lectionary readings the Word becomes “real and present’’ in their minds and hearts. The liturgical process is designed to lead the assembly to internalize what is heard as a matter of faith.

The goal of the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy was to cover as much of the Bible as possible.  Thus many more books and passages of the Bible were made available to Catholics through the scripture readings at Sunday and daily Mass. The widely-held assumption has been that the lectionary faithfully presents the essence of the Bible, with the omission of only a few troubling or gory passages.

But, a lectionary, by its very nature, excludes some ancient traditions as it includes oth­ers, recasts its selections into designated collections, and assigns each collection to a particular context in the church calendar. Thus, devis­ing any lectionary produces a “canon within the canon” with the selections being under the control of ordained males.

Therefore, many scriptures left out of the lectionary including scriptures about women. Women’s books, women’s experiences and women’s accomplishments have been largely overlooked in the assigned scripture readings that are being proclaimed in our churches on Sundays and weekdays.

When women and female images are “erased” or distorted, it has real consequences for the entire Body of Christ, but especially for women.  The witness of women that is provided in an already androcentric Bible, is further narrowed in the lectionary canon.  When females and female images are marginalized in the lectionary, women are interpreted as marginal.  Furthermore, when androcentric, misogynistic, racist, and patriarchal texts are emphasized (as we note in the above section), Catholics internalize those messages and assume they are part of the divinely designed social order.  This has disturbing, even dangerous consequences for marginalized groups and women.

Underlying these texts that explicitly promote the subordination of women or their erasure from the lectionary is patriarchal framework that reflects and reinscribes misogyny.  Dr. Regina Boisclair shows how lectionary readings chosen from the Hebrew Scriptures are light on lessons that highlight positive, empowering female imagery for God, and heavy on lessons that frame women such as Eve and Sarah as dangerous, weak, submissive, or disposable.  When these scriptures are paired with a Gospel reading, another aspect of the unconscious androcentric interpretive framework is introduced into the lectionary by the compilers suggesting that women are “derivative of men, dangerous to men, and except as mothers of sons, they are disposable by men…”

In her book length study, Battered Love: Marriage, Sex, and Violence in the Hebrew Prophets, womanist Biblical scholar Dr. Renita J. Weems traces the patriarchal foundations of the prophets in the Hebrew Bible to show how women bodies, as metaphor, reveal sacralized misogyny and even violence against women.  The correlation repeatedly drawn  between divine judgment and husbands battering their wives is “haunting and telling” according to Weems.

While much more can be written about “texts of terror” in the Bible, it is clear that androcentrism and misogyny serve as the foundation for the subordinating texts that Catholics hear at Mass.

Social Inequities Reinforced in the Lectionary and Black Catholic Voices

Catholics still hear Ephesians 6:1-9 which exhorts slaves to obey their masters.  While this is read every other year on a Wednesday in Ordinary time, the proclamation of this text in any Catholic Church at any time runs counter to the prophetic voice of the Black Catholics, and especially the Black Catholic Clergy Caucus (BCCC), who, in 1968, called the Catholic Church out for its role in racism after the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr..  They wrote, “the Catholic Church the United States, primarily a white racist institution, has addressed itself primarily to white society and is definitely a part of that society.”  Further they noted that the Church was “not cognizant of changing attitudes in the black community and is not making the necessary, realistic adjustments.”

Later in 1968, the National Black Sisters’ Conference (NBSC) pledged “unceasingly for the liberation of black people.” The sisters proclaimed “expressions of individual and institutional racism found in our society within our Church are declared by us to be categorically evil and inimical the freedom of all men everywhere, and particularly destructive of people in America.”

The ongoing proclamation of Ephesians 6:1-9 is an important example of how the sin of racism still plays out in the church running counter to the message of the  Gospel.

Learn more from our educational resource and find downloadable letters for the USCCB Committee on Divine Liturgy and for your bishop, priest, and local newspapers.

Please join our campaign to reform the Catholic Lectionary today!

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Women Witnesses for Racial Justice: Download PDFs






MARY JANE CHISLEY TOLTON (mother of August Tolton)


Venerable Henriette DeLille, S.S.F.

Sister M. Martin de Porres Grey

Sister Mary Aloysius (Anne Marie) Becraft, O.S.P.

Mother Josephine Charles, S.S.F.

Mother Mary Theodore (Eliza Barbara) Williams, F.H.M.

Dr. Lena Edwards

Mary Louise Smith


Mary of Magdala Celebration Planning Guides

In 1997, FutureChurch launched an international campaign to restore St. Mary of Magdala to her rightful place as the apostle to the apostles, asking supporters to sponsor special celebrations on or around July 22 at which a biblical expert would trace Mary’s unparalleled fidelity in accompanying Jesus through crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection. This would be followed by a prayer service at which a woman would preside, preach and encourage attendees to reflect on their own encounters with, and witness to, the risen Christ.

Annual celebrations of St. Mary of Magdala exploded after that, going from 23 that first year, to 150 the following year to between 250 to 400 celebrations worldwide in each year since. Every summer, thousands of women and men help correct an egregious injustice done to a great woman leader in our church.

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2024: Women Witnessing to the Risen Christ

About this year’s celebration: Just as Mary Magdalene was the first to witness to the Risen Christ, women today encounter and witness to the Divine in and through their work and ministry. This year’s guide, written by FutureChurch’s Olivia Hastie and Martha Ligas, creates a space for us to give thanks for the ways in which we all encounter the Risen Christ. It also features time for sharing from women witnesses of today who, just like Mary Magdalene, have experienced the Risen Christ and boldly proclaim and share God’s love. These witnesses can be women who work in pastoral ministry, environmental justice, criminal justice reform, chaplaincy, LGBTQ+ ministry, healthcare, education, and any variety of contexts. 

We invite you to host your own celebration, adapting this prayer service as necessary. FutureChurch has an extensive library of resources to help – including nearly 30 years’ worth of celebration guides, which provide everything you need – prayers, readings, and music suggestions – to plan your own celebration.

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2020 Keynote Presentation by Cecilia Gonzalez-Andrieu

Dr. Cecilia González-Andrieu, Ph.D. presents a frank look at what the debris and fissures of our present moment reveal about what we must do differently as Church in the world and for the world.

An internationally sought-after speaker and scholar, Cecilia González-Andrieu is Professor of Theology and Theological Aesthetics at Loyola Marymount University, where she also works on multiple initiatives to serve the Latinx community, especially undocumented students and workers. As a scholar-activist González-Andrieu speaks and marches with those who thirst for the liberative power of theological thought and is a contributing writer for America Magazine and a member of the board of directors of the Ignatian Solidarity Network. Bringing together her scholarship, teaching, and service she has dedicated herself to educating and empowering young Catholics to embody a “faith that does justice.”  She received her Ph.D. in Art & Religion and Systematic Theology from the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, and is also a double alumna of LMU. A respected lecturer on issues of political theology, theological aesthetics, and Latino theology González-Andrieu was just named the GTU’s 2020 Alumna of the Year. She is the author of the acclaimed book Bridge to Wonder: Art as a Gospel of Beauty, co-editor of Teaching Global Theologies: Power and Praxis, and a contributor to many other books and international journals, including Go Into the Streets: The Welcoming Church of Pope Francis and the forthcoming Miradas a todo color: Teologías feministas contextuales ibero-americanas.

Read Dr. González-Andrieu’s feature article for America Magazine which is based on this presentation. 

2020 Fall Event Program

FutureChurch’s 2020 Fall Event Program includes biographies of our guests, a listing of our event sponsors, advertisements from friends of FutureChurch, and reports and updates on our programming.

View/download the program.

Marie Collins Accepts FutureChurch’s 2019 Louis J. Trivison Award

FutureChurch co-director, Deborah Rose-Milavec, introduces and presents Marie Collins with the 2019 Louis J. Trivison award in recognition of her tireless pursuit of justice for survivors of clergy sexual abuse, protection of children and vulnerable people, and accountability from the hierarchy. Accepting the award, Marie Collins offers a brief presentation on her background, her experience as a member of the Papal Commission for the Protection of Minors, two reforms she sees as necessary, and what gives her hope.

Read the transcript of this presentation.

2019 Keynote Presentation: Robert Mickens

FutureChurch co-founder, Christine Schenk, CSJ, introduces Robert Mickens, English-language editor for LaCroix International. Mickens puts forth one answer to the question, “The Francis Reforms: Too Little, Too Late” by placing the Papacy of Francis in the context of modern history and recent papacies, arguing Pope Francis’ push toward a more universal and less Euro-centric focus is perhaps one of his greatest reforms.

Read the transcript of this presentation