2024 Fall Event

Courage in the Spirit: Translating Synodal Talk into Action
The October 2024 Assembly of the Synod on Communion, Participation, and Mission is complete and the final synthesis report is out. And it is clear that the work of FutureChurch remains as important today as it has always been. We have a lot of work to do! And together, we will courageously clear a path toward Church that doesn’t just talk about “synodality” but lives it. A Church where all the People of God – lay and ordained, women and men and every gender, young and old – discern, dream, and decide and minister together!
We are honored to walk this path with all of you and we look forward to helping to bring about the changes needed to build a radically inclusive Church that is truly alive with the gifts, talents, and faith of all its members.
Event Media
We are grateful to all of our sponsors and partners, whose generosity allows us to make these recordings widely available for the good of all. Thank you!