Celebrating the Life of Sister Theresa Kane, RSM
On Wednesday, September 4, 2024, members of the church reform and renewal community gathered in virtual community to show our love, respect, admiration, and gratitude for Sister Theresa Kane, RSM.
Remarks offered by:
- Sister Christine Schenk, CSJ – Founding director of FutureChurch and author of To Speak the Truth in Love: A Biography of Theresa Kane
- Kate McElwee – Executive Director of Women’s Ordination Conference
- Mary E. Hunt, Ph.D. – Co-founder and co-director of Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (WATER)
Additional Memories and Tributes offered by others:
Co-sponsored by:
- Catholics for Choice
- DignityUSA
- FutureChurch
- Mary’s Pence
- Southeastern Pennsylvania Women’s Ordination Conference
- Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (WATER)
- Women’s Ordination Conference