Prayer Service in Celebration of Mother Mary Lange

FutureChurch marked the beginning of Advent 2020 with a prayer service inspired by the life and witness of Mother Mary Lange, who founded the first school for black Catholic children in the United States and the first religious community for black Catholic women.
“Find Us Ready” by Tom Booth. © 1993. Published by ®. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-737115.
“I’m Gonna Do What the Spirit Says Do.” Text and music African American Spiritual.
“Lift Every Voice and Sing” by J. Rosamond Johnson / James Johnson.
Prayer Leader: Sr. Mumbi Kiguthi
Lector: Katie Lacz
Witnesses: Sr. Romina Sapinoso, Leslye Colvin, Sr. Melinda Pellerin
Respondent: Sr. Andrea Koverman
Musician: Jim Carr