Women Lost and Rediscovered in the Bible

A 2021 Lenten Bible Study Series with Dr. Lizzie Berne DeGear
Beginning Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 7:00 pm ET through March 31, 2021 (6 week series)
Join FutureChurch for six evenings (75 minutes each evening) of Bible Study during Lent.
Each week, Dr. DeGear will introduce a story from Scripture where women’s power and the divine feminine are waiting to be discovered and incorporated into our own lives.
Some of the powerful and inspiring women we will meet include:
- The midwives from Exodus who establish their own dynastic lines of power;
- The business-owning women of Proverbs educating the next generation of literate and successful young women;
- The healer in Mark’s gospel who invites Jesus to experience resurrection before he dies.
Each week we will also explore a biblical image of the divine feminine, tapping into the power of that image through a spiritual exercise that can be practiced throughout the week.
Each evening will include:
- Welcome and opening meditation
- Presentation on one biblical story that introduces us to a surprising form of power held by our female ancestors
- Discussion — all are invited to reflect on the story through the lens of their own lives
- Introduction of an image of the divine feminine from Scripture
- Closing spiritual exercise using that image