Leadership Conference of Women Religious

National attention was directed to the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) in 1979 when Sister Theresa Kane, president of the LCWR, addressed Pope John Paul II at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Her words are still pertinent: “We have heard the powerful message of our church addressing the dignity and reverence of all persons . . . The Church must respond by providing the possibility of women as persons being included in all ministries.” As a result of the greeting, a few congregations withdrew from the Conference, but the LCWR became more public and the membership gained new responsibilities. The LCWR president’s message in 1982 called attention to two realities
Learn more about the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) and their work to renew the Church and world since Vatican II.
Resources Included in This Download:
- Educational resources: A History of the LCWR; In Her Own Words: “Navigating the Shifts” address of Sr. Pat Farrell, OSF at the 2012 LCWR Assembly with discussion guide; Benchmarks for Church Leadership Roles for Women by the LCWR with discussion guide
- Be a Witness of Mercy: Resources for learning and doing
- Prayer Resources: Prayer Service for the Church and Women Religious
- Original Art by Marcy Hall, commissioned by FutureChurch