Sr. Simone Campbell

Many know Sister Simone Campbell, a Sister of Social Service, as the “nun on the bus.” But long before the famous bus tour began, before the media attention, before the countless awards, Sister Simone was working for the poor and marginalized of society. Learn more about and pray with this Woman of Mercy, Nun on the Bus, and advocate for the KIN-DOM of God today.
Resources included in this download:
- Educational resources: A Biography of Sister Simone with questions for reflection and discussion; In Her Own Words (Sister Simone on being Catholic, women in the Church and her favorite mystic); A Catholic Framework for Economic Justice with questions for reflection and discussion; Call to Family, Community and Participation — How all of Us Can Create Hope, Change, and Community with questions for discussion and dialogue
- Be a Witness of Mercy: Resources for learning and doing
- Prayer Resources: Prayer Service for the KIN-DOM of God inspired by Sr. Simone Campbell.
- Original Art by Marcy Hall, commissioned by FutureChurch